Getting Started 与 Nature-based Education: An 随需应变的车间


An 随需应变的车间 为了你的下一个职业发展日! A pre-recorded video, facilitator’s guide, discussion prompts are included.

目标: To explore the foundations of nature-based education and ways to begin supporting children learning WITH nature.

持续时间: 2 - 4小时 (2 hour, 9 minute video runtime; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like 与 time suggestions ranging from 75 minutes to 2 hours)

Given the nature of digital downloads, all sales are final and cannot be refunded. 


An 随需应变的车间 为了你的下一个职业发展日! A pre-recorded video, facilitator’s guide, discussion prompts are included.

目标: To explore the foundations of nature-based education and ways to begin supporting children learning WITH nature.

持续时间: 2 - 4小时 (2 hour, 9 minute video runtime; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like 与 time suggestions ranging from 75 minutes to 2 hours)

Given the nature of digital downloads, all sales are final and cannot be refunded. 

An 随需应变的车间 为了你的下一个职业发展日! A pre-recorded video, facilitator’s guide, discussion prompts are included.

目标: To explore the foundations of nature-based education and ways to begin supporting children learning WITH nature.

持续时间: 2 - 4小时 (2 hour, 9 minute video runtime; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like 与 time suggestions ranging from 75 minutes to 2 hours)

Given the nature of digital downloads, all sales are final and cannot be refunded. 

Are you looking for a professional development opportunity to get you and/or your team on the same page about nature-based teaching but have a tight budget?

The Getting Started in Nature-based Education On-Demand Workshop can help!

Nature-based teaching is becoming increasingly popular–and for good reason! It’s widely known that spending time outdoors enhances children’s physical, 的社会性, 认知发展. However, high-quality nature-based early childhood education (NbECE) doesn’t happen overnight. It’s also not an approach typically taught in teacher preparation programs. 从自然教育开始 will help your team to understand the core components of the approach and its positive impact on young children. This 随需应变的车间 will provide a strong foundation for your team to build on in the coming weeks and months. 研讨会将提供切实可行的想法, 不管你的出发点是什么, 更好地将自然融入到你的程序结构中, 物理环境(内部), 外, 及以后), 以及教师主导的活动.


  • 发现大自然的力量: Explore how nature captivates young minds, sparks curiosity, fosters a love for learning. The course will highlight the numerous benefits of nature-based education and its significance in early childhood development.

  • 准备一个鼓舞人心的学习环境: Gain valuable insights to prepare an engaging learning environment that encourages exploration and growth by connecting to nature-based experiences. These environments include the Inside classroom, Outdoor play area, spaces Beyond the fence. 

  • 创建由教师主导的活动:  Discover the importance of teacher-led activities that follow children’s interests, 与季节有关吗, 并将内在的学习联系起来, 外, 课堂之外的体验. 

  • 培养一个积极的学习社区: 作为自然教育的教育者, your attitude and language play a crucial role in fostering a positive learning environment. This course will highlight the importance of  a nurturing atmosphere that encourages curiosity and positive outdoor experiences.

当您购买这个车间时,您将收到一个 可下载的主持人指南 (PDF)包括... 

  • A 视频链接 so you can schedule the in-service workshop at a time that works best for your team

  • 鼓励讨论的提示 among your team about nature-based education in your program

  • 打印工作表 to build on the video content and encourage reflection and discussion 与in the team

  • 竣工证书 so you can document and get credit for the time spent on this professional learning

现在注册 从自然教育开始 and witness the transformation in your teaching and the  impact that has on children as they learn in and 与 the natural world.

This 随需应变的车间 is perfect for educators looking for team development, 作为职前教育的教学工具, 或为个人专业学习. 


安排一个现场问答&与瑞秋的电话! A Q&A session 与 Rachel is an especially high value addition if you are using these courses for a team of educators. You and your team can expect open discussion to address questions, 担忧, 以及针对你的项目的想法. 如果你对日程安排感兴趣的话, check page 3 of the Facilitator’s Guide for a link to schedule and pay for a 30-minute or 1-hour call.


瑞秋一. Larimore, Ph值.D.,  is an educator, consultant, speaker, researcher, author. Her work focuses on the intentional integration of nature to support young children’s holistic development by learning 与 nature to expand their worlds and live rich, 完整的生活. 她写了多本书,包括 建立以自然为本的幼儿园, Preschool Beyond Walls: Blending Early Childhood Education and Nature-Based Learning, Evaluating Nature: Evaluating Natureness: Measuring the Quality of Nature-based Classrooms in Pre-k Through 3rd Grade. 在创立萨马拉之前, she spent more than a decade starting and directing one of the first nature-based preschools in the United States. She also serves on the advisory board of the Natural Start Alliance, 支持以自然为本的教育者的专业协会.